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For foreninger;
Gode nyheter, vi får snart en mer moderne, ny logo som passer godt med den positive utviklingen innen TT-gymnastics!
Ingenting annet vil endre på den raske servicen dere er vant til fra oss.
Hvis din forening fortsatt ønsker å kjøpe turndrakter med vår nåværende logo; bestill nå fra lager!

Returning the item you wish to exchange is at your own expense.
The shipping costs to send the new article to you will be paid by TT-Gymnastics.

  • Within 14 days you can exchange an article.
  • Exchange is only possible if the article is clean and unworn!
  • Try on the article with underpants, if the article is dirty we will not take it back!
  • Leave the tags on the article.
  • Fold the article neatly and put it back in its original packaging.
  • Print out the return form and fill in the details clearly;
    • The name on which the order was placed.
    • The article you want to receive.
    • Your bank account number (in case there is a difference in the purchase amount).
The return form can be found with your invoice. You have received the invoice by e-mail.
Send the fully completed return form together with the article to us.
You may use the original shipping packaging (it contains a second adhesive strip). You may stick the pre-printed address sticker over your own address sticker.
If you no longer have the address sticker, please write the following address clearly on the shipping package:

Ambachtsweg 14
3542 DG Utrecht
The Netherlands

Once we receive your package, we will check if the items are still clean and can be exchanged.

  • As soon as your exchange is processed, we will send you a new (credit) invoice.
  • In case you need to pay extra for the new item, the order will not be shipped until payment is received.
  • If no additional payment is required, the item will go in the mail the same day. PostNl is expected to deliver the package within 2 days, see also.
You will again receive the new track&trace by e-mail (also check your SPAM folder).

Returning the item you wish to return is at your own expense.

  • You may return your purchase within 14 days. A passerie may be returned within 4 weeks.
  • Returns are only possible if the article is clean and unworn;
  • Try on the article with underwear, if the article is dirty we will not take it back!
  • and the cards must still be attached to the article.
  • Fold the article neatly and put it back in its original packaging.
  • Print out the return form and fill in the details clearly;
    • The name on which the order was placed.
    • The article being returned.
    • And don't forget your bank account number so we can refund the money.
The return form can be found with the invoice. You have received the invoice by e-mail.
Send the completed return form together with the article to us.
You may use the original shipping packaging. You may stick the pre-printed address sticker over your own address sticker.
If you no longer have the address sticker, please write the following address clearly on the shipping package:
Ambachtsweg 14
3542 DG Utrecht
The Netherlands
  • If you return the entire order, we will refund the purchase price including shipping costs.
  • If you are returning a portion of the order, you will be refunded the purchase amount of the relevant item(s), excluding shipping costs.

*Wenn der Artikel die Umtauschbedingungen nicht erfüllt, senden wir ihn an Sie zurück. Wir berechnen dann 6,95 € für Verwaltungs-/Versandkosten.
Wir werden dies von Ihrer Gutschrift abziehen.

Once we receive your package, we will check that the items are still clean.

  • As soon as your return has been processed, we will send you a credit invoice.
  • If you have clearly legibly noted your IBAN number on the return form, we will refund the amount within 3 business days.
  • If you have not filled out the return form legibly, we will have to ask you again for the correct information.
If the item is dirty, or does not meet the other conditions, we will not take the item back!
0 / kr 0,00

Vognen din er tom.